How to Order a Commission

To make sure that you get the beautiful piece of art you’re looking for, please follow these tips for requesting a commission from me!

To request a commission, email me your desired canvas size, reference photo(s), and other specifications at:

  1. The Better the Reference Photo, the Better the Painting.

Like all portraiture artists, I require a reference photo of whatever I’m trying to paint. So the higher quality the photo, the more detail I’ll be able to capture. Try to aim for high resolution photos that have good lighting and the entire subject is in focus.


Example of a Good Reference Photo:

This photo has perfect natural lighting and the entire subject is in focus.

Example of a Bad Reference Photo:

This photo is much too dark making the subject difficult to see.

2. Tell me your Color Preferences.

Please tell me when you request a commission if you have any preferences when it comes to color palette. Let me know if you’d like me to adhere to a specific color scheme or if you want a specific color in the background. Also consider whether you’d like the background from the reference photo included in the painting, or an abstract background. If you have a very specific color you’d like included, feel free to include an image of it in your commission request.

*Please note that any preferences regarding color or composition that are not specified in the commission request will be left to my creative judgement.


3. Order Your Painting Ahead of Time.

Oil paintings take a long time not just to make but also to dry, so expect a waiting period of 3-4 weeks (depending on size) until the painting can be safely moved and/or shipped.

*I can hand deliver paintings to any location within 100 mile radius of Winona county, MN. I will ship anywhere in the United States for free.